
Our school's cursive handwriting style has been developed to help children to learn to write with fluency and accuracy, and is taught and modelled consistently throughout the school. It is available as a model to children in every classroom. This style of handwriting is also good for children with dyslexia and for children who need more support with their fine motor skills.




Children in EYFS begin to write. They build their fine and gross motor skills through, mark making and then start forming letters. They form the letter shapes while making the phonetic connections to the letter sounds. They then gradually progress through the journey of writing to joining the cursive script into fully joined words.

As a school our aims in teaching handwriting are that the pupils will:

  • Learn the conventional ways of forming letter shapes, both lowercase and capitals.
  • Understand the importance of clear presentation in order to communicate meaning.
  • Take pride in the presentation of work, developing handwriting with a sense of enjoyment and achievement.
  • Use their skills with confidence in real life situations.
  • Develop a fluent, comfortable, legible, joined handwriting style.



We celebrate our children's handwriting successes by holding school assemblies to praise the children in every class that have shown either improved handwriting or consistently neat handwriting.


Handwriting Date  
Handwriting at RP 27th May 2021 Download