Celebrating Reading
Book corners
Every classroom has a book corner that is decorated in a way to encourage children to sit and enjoy reading. All boxes are clearly labelled so that children can access books that they wantt to read at their level.
Every week we join together as a whole school to celebrate reading. Children receive certificates for reading the most books, completing the most quizzes and for improving their reading. We also give out stickers and star badges to the children who have achieved different milestones with gold stars going to children who have read over 1 million words! To end the assembly, a different teacher reads a story to the whole school.
These are the different awards that children can work towards:
Weekly achievement certificates
Bronze sticker: 10,000 words read
Silver sticker: 50,000 words read
Gold sticker: 100,000 words read
Bronze star badge: 300,000 words read
Silver star badge: 500,000 words read
Gold star badge: 1,000,000 words read
Spring 2 – ‘Where can reading take us?’
Our whole school big question in Spring 2 is ‘Where can reading take us?’. In this term, the children read books from our literary heritage and take part in activities around the texts and run exctiting projects. For example, lunchtime book clubs, book sale/swap, reading buddies and author profiles.
World Book Day
In March, the whole school joins in with World Book Day. To celebrate this day, each year group picks a book. The whole staff dress up as different book chracters and the classroom doors are decorated to fit the book so that the children feel like they are walking straight into the story when they arrive. They then take part in different exciting activities centered around the book for the whole day. The children even make their own book to take home to celebrate their day.
Parents and carers are invited in to a reading cafe with their children. This takes place in the hall and they have an hour to enjoy reading various books with their child. Reading mornings and reading cafes also take part throughout the year where parents are invited in to share stories with their children.
Class Storytime
At the end of every day, each class has story time. In this time, all children will be sat listening to the teacher read the children a book. This book will vary in level and genre showing the children enjoyment in all books.